If you have been suffering from back pain for any amount of time you have no doubt tried to find a solution through your doctor’s, friends or social media.
The problem is that the answers these people provide aren’t for YOUR pain!
This is a massive mistake you’re making and could even cause further pain and discomforting in your back, meaning you aren’t able to enjoy the active pain-free life you want to.
Here are some of the most common and most damaging back pain myths that you might have heard from your doctor, friends or the internet.
The number one myth that I hear from my patients about their back pain, is that it’s there because they’re getting old, or that they have back pain because one of their parents had back pain.
But that is just not true!
Back pain and sciatica is a complex issue that affects so many people, and it can’t just be treated with the same blanket advice for everyone.
It needs to be treated individually in each patient, and age is not something that means back pain is inevitable.
If you have been to see a doctor about your back pain repeatedly, then I have no doubt that you've been told that there’s nothing you can do about your back pain aside from pills, injections or surgery.
But I am here, as one of the leading back pain experts in Newport beach, to tell you there is a LOT you can do about it!
Because I believe that every back pain is unique, we will work with you and YOUR body to give it exactly what it needs to relieve your back pain naturally and quickly, so that you can get back to doing what you love.
Back pain often stops you from doing the activities you love - whether that's sports, exercising, or playing with your kids or grandkids.
It's either too painful, or you avoid it because you don't want to deal with the consequences for days later when you feel stiff, sore and uncomfortable all day long.
But the problem with that, and you have probably found this out by now, is that because you limit yourself, you're getting weaker, less mobile and it's becoming easier to injure yourself!
However, with the right steps, you can remain active and get back to what you love. Even if you've had back pain for years!
One reason people avoid seeking help for their back pain and sciatica through physical therapy is that they expect it to take a long time.
And if you have suffered from back pain and sciatica for years, I know you are desperate to end it FAST!
But the right physical therapy can be incredible fast acting, with most patients reporting significant improvements in the first session or two.
At my clinic, my expert team are able to give you exactly what you need, and this means that you can start to get back to normal life in a very short space of time.
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Are You Upset, Unsure or Even Confused About these myths that people you trusted have told you - Which have probably led to more back pain?
I know how upsetting it can be when you don’t know why you’re in pain, or struggling to do the things you enjoy – and my expert team would love to help you get some clarity in a quick, free telephone call.
Simply click the button below, and arrange a free telephone consultation with our expert team who can answer your questions, listen to your story, and end your uncertainty, confusion and frustration.
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Dr. Nicole Anderson
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