Common Mistakes That Cause You Lower Back Pain And Hip Pain

Have you been suffering from lower back pain and hip pain that's stopping you from going to work, exercising, and doing all the things you love?

Maybe you've been jogging every day, working physically, or playing with your kids and now you feel this agonizing lower back pain and hip pain that makes it impossible to do all these things.

Unfortunately, it's very easy to fall into the habit of doing things that can cause you lower back pain and hip pain.

That's why lower back pain self-care is so important, so you can avoid injuries.

If you want to know what to avoid doing to prevent your lower back pain and hip pain, you should read this blog.

Common Things You Do That Give You Back Pain And Hip Pain 

Unfortunately, your lifestyle can have a big impact on your lower back pain and hip pain.

Sometimes  you might not even be aware that what you're doing can cause you injuries.

Here are some of the things that probably caused your lower back pain and hip pain.

Lifting Without Bending 

This one is probably the most obvious yet the most common mistake people keep doing.

If you work physically and you're required to do some heavy lifting at work, make sure you bend your knees before you lift heavy objects to prevent lower back pain and hip pain.

Or maybe you've been playing with your children or grandchildren and you've picked up some of their toys without bending, even that can lead to lower back pain and hip pain.

Lower back pain self-care is very important as knowing what not to do can save you from lower back pain and hip pain and prevent you from unnecessary and risky surgery like hip replacement.

3 Common Mistakes Leading To Back And Hip Pain

Wearing Wrong Footwear

If you've been wearing the wrong footwear for different activities then you might have given yourself lower back pain and hip pain.

The foot, knee, hip, and back are all connected by joints. The body does not move in isolation but together in harmony. If you wear inappropriate footwear it can affect your back and hip.

If you're going for a long walk or run you should wear comfortable shoes.

You should also avoid walking in flip-flops and high-heels as these shoes are not healthy for your feet and cause you a lot of other health problems apart from lower back pain and hip pain.

Carrying Heavy Bags

While fashion and looking good are important, your health plays a more vital role in your life.

I appreciate you want to look great, but carrying all your belongings in a handbag that's big and heavy can cause you lower back pain and hip pain and even create spinal changes.

Lower back pain self-care is important as it can prevent most of the back injuries that's why it's important to do what we can to support our back, hip, and whole body to stay in good health.

What To Do If You Have Lower Back Pain And Hip Pain

If you've been suffering from lower back pain and hip pain for a long time and you can't stand this agonizing pain any longer, you should get immediate help from our back pain expert.

Physical therapy is the best natural remedy for lower back pain and hip pain relief, so don't wait any longer before it's too late and you have to undergo a risky surgery.

We offer several resources to start with.

If you want to read more about back pain and different treatment options, we offer a free advice report where you can find all relevant information and see how we can help you get lower back pain and hip pain relief using natural remedies.

Free Back Pain Report

Another option is to book a free telephone consultation where you can talk to our expert, tell us more about your condition, and see how our team can help you.

Free Telephone Consultation

The last option is to book a free discovery visit where you can come and see us at the clinic, meet our expert team, see the facilities, and tell us more about your pain so we can find the best treatment for you.

Free Discovery Visit

The most important thing is to choose one option now and take an active step to get healthy and back in shape, so you can enjoy work, hobbies, and active time with your friends and family.

More Free Advice On Back Pain 

For more current information and advice on back pain, follow us on social media, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and read some of our blogs.

Read Our Blog: Ice Or Heat For Back Pain Relief – What’s Best?

Read Our Blog: 4 Ways The Neufit’s Neubie Machine Can Help You

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Our YouTube Channel: Anderson Sport and Wellness Physical Therapy